Council Elections
Involvement in the activities of Council provides rewarding opportunities for members of the profession and appointed public members to contribute to the process of professional self-regulation. Working with peers and public members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, members of Council are directly involved in the regulation of the profession in the public interest of access to safe, competent and ethical care.
Important Dates
One professional member is elected to the Council for each electoral district. The District elections are held in accordance with Article 10.04 of the CDO By-laws:
Districts |
1, 2 |
3,4 &5 |
6, 7 & 8 |
Election Year |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
Notice of Election/Nominations |
March 6, 2025 |
March 5, 2026 |
March 4, 2027 |
Nomination Due Date |
April 20, 2025 |
April 20, 2026 |
April 19, 2027 |
Final Withdrawal Date |
April 30, 2025 |
April 29, 2026 |
April 28, 2027 |
Election Date |
June 4, 2025 |
June 3, 2026 |
June 2, 2027 |
Composition of Council
Council is composed of 7-8 professional members elected by their peers from provincial districts defined by the College By-laws. The Lieutenant Governor in Council appoints 5-7 public members.
Term of Office
Elected members hold their positions for approximately three years, and may serve up to three terms (to a maximum of nine consecutive years).
Time Commitment
Council meets 3-4 times per year. Members of Council also serve on various statutory committees. The number of committee meetings per year vary according to the workload of the Committee. In addition to the time spent preparing for meetings, Council members should expect to spend an average of 10 days participating in CDO meetings each year.
Council and committee meetings take place at the CDO office in Toronto and occasionally by teleconference.
Council Member Reimbursement
Council members are reimbursed for all reasonable travel and accommodation expenses and they receive an honorarium for their time commitment. Professional members are reimbursed by the CDO. Public members are reimbursed by the government.
Honoraria and travel expense details for professional members of Council are outlined in Schedules 5 and 6 of the CDO By-laws.
What You Need to Serve on Council
All members of Council are expected to be effective contributors. The desired skills, traits and knowledge of Council members include:
- the ability to work with a group to make decisions
- the ability to understand and follow democratic processes
- a willingness to devote time and effort to the work of the College and the Council
- good communication skills
- awareness of the College mission, vision, regulations and bylaws, and
- an understanding that the goal of the College is to serve and protect the public interest in its access to denturism care.
Candidate Eligibility
Members of the profession who wish to be candidates for Council election, must
- be in good standing with the College
- not be in default of payment of fees to the College
- have a registered address with the College in the electoral district, and
- must not have been a director, officer or employee of any professional association relating to denturism in the previous year.
The details of eligibility are contained in Article 13 of the CDO By-laws.
Nomination Process
Members of the profession who are considering standing for election to Council should:
- Review sections Articles 9 through 14 of the CDO By-laws for information about the complete process and to confirm their eligibility.
- Print and complete the nomination form that is posted on the CDO website 90 days prior to an election.
- Have three nominators sign the form. Qualified nominators are members who are entitled to vote in the election (reside or work in the district), individuals who support your nomination, and who are in good standing with the College.
- Prepare a biography and personal statement that will be sent to eligible voting members in the candidate’s electoral district.
- Send the completed nomination form, along with your biography, personal statement and photo to the Registrar by the deadline established by the College.
- Advise the Registrar immediately if you are no longer able to run in the election.
Eligibility to Vote
Members are entitled to vote if they are: in good standing with the College; not in default of payment of fees to the College; and work or reside in the electoral district where the election is being held. Details on voter eligibility are contained in Article 12 of the CDO By-laws.
No less than thirty days prior to the election date, every member of the CDO who is eligible to vote will receive a list of candidates and biographies, and a ballot (or equivalent if voting is done electronically).
Election Results
As soon as possible after the election, the Registrar will inform Council, members of the College, and each eligible candidate of the results.