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Protecting The Public


Pursuant to theHealth Professions Procedural Code (85.6.1 and 85.6.2) and the Denturism Act, 1991 
a Denturist is required to provide the College with written details of: 

  • a finding of guilt in relation to any offence;
  • a finding of professional misconduct, incompetency, incapacity or other similar finding in Ontario in relation another profession or in any other jurisdiction in relation to the profession of denturism or another profession;
  • the commencement of a proceeding for professional misconduct, incompetency or incapacity, or similar conduct, in Ontario in relation to another profession or in another jurisdiction in relation to the profession of denturism or another profession. 
Registered Denturists are obligated to provide the College with these written details within 15 days from the day when they become aware of any of the above.  The report can be made using the Self-Reporting Form.   

Failing to self-report is itself a serious matter. For assistance or more information on the Self-Reporting process, please contact the College at:

T:    416-925-6331 ext. 225
TF:  1-888-236-4326 ext. 225 (toll-free in Ontario)