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Protecting The Public

Patient Rights

Patients and caregivers have said how important it is to know their rights when they or a loved one are being treated by a health care professional. They say it increases their comfort level by outlining parameters and boundaries for care, and helps them feel respected and part of the process. 

The College's Patient Relations Committee has created a one-page handout that explains what patients can expect when it comes to care and treatment by a Registered Denturist. The text reflects existing requirements in the College's Standards of Practice, Policies and Guidelines. 

While it is not mandatory, Denturists are encouraged to download this free resource to share with patients in ways that fit with their practice approach and style. Members can customize this document by adding their logo and other practice information. 

The College of Denturists of Ontario would like to acknowledge the College of Naturopaths of Ontario for providing their permission to use and adapt their Patient Rights document.  

Special thanks to patients and members of the public who gave the College of Naturopaths of Ontario feedback about the document, including members of the Citizen Advisory Group  - a formal volunteer group of patients and caregivers who help bring the voice and perspective of the public to healthcare regulation in Ontario.