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Protecting The Public


The Discipline Committee of the College holds hearings into cases of possible professional misconduct by a Denturist. The Committee can impose a range of penalties, and in the most serious cases can revoke or suspend a Denturist’s certificate of registration. That means the Denturist is unable to practise.

This occurs when no other penalty can adequately protect the public from unsafe or unethical practice.

A member of the College who has had their license revoked or suspended may not use the title “Denturist”, a variation, or an abbreviation or equivalent in another language.  They are also not permitted to hold themselves out or advertise as being qualified to practise in Ontario as a Denturist.

Listed below are former members of the College of Denturists of Ontario who have had their certificate of registration (license) revoked.  

Member Name Status Member Number Revocation Date
Yasong Chen Revoked 903-09 Apr. 28, 2017
Yasong Chen Revoked 903-09 Apr. 28, 2017
Drago Vrljic Revoked 876-08 Nov. 22, 2016
Drago Vrljic Revoked 876-08 Nov. 22, 2016
William Kenyon Revoked 571-92 Sep. 24, 2009
William Kenyon Revoked 571-92 Sep. 24, 2009
Mitchell Sweet Revoked 425-82 Apr. 3, 2007
Mitchell Sweet Revoked 425-82 Apr. 3, 2007
Robert A. Carrier Revoked 326-76 Feb. 9, 2007
Robert A. Carrier Revoked 326-76 Feb. 9, 2007
Robert Warren Revoked 315-74 May. 15, 2001
Robert Warren Revoked 315-74 May. 15, 2001
Thys Blomberg Revoked 307-74 Apr. 9, 1987
Thys Blomberg Revoked 307-74 Apr. 9, 1987