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Registered Denturists

Certificate of Authorization Annual Renewal

Online Renewal

Certificates of Authorization (COA) for Health Profession Corporations must be renewed annually. Certificate of Authorization renewal is available online through the Member Portal accessed on the College website.

Certificate of Authorization Annual Renewal Fee

The Certificate of Authorization Renewal Fee 
$395.50 ($350.00 + $45.50 HST)

There is no installment option for the payment of the Certificate of Authorization renewal fee. 

Late Payment Fee

Service Charge for Declined Payments

Acceptable Forms of Payment

  • Cheque made payable to “The College of Denturists of Ontario”. Payments by cheque must be post marked on or before the deadline. Please include your Certificate of Authorization number on the cheque.
  • Pay online with Visa or MasterCard. 

COA Annual Renewal Deadline

Online renewal begins on February 15th of each year. The deadline for renewal of a Certificate of Authorization, including payment of applicable fees is March 31st at 11:59 p.m. EST.  

A $150.00 late penalty fee is applied for renewals and/or payments that are received after the deadlines.

Renewal Steps

  1. Log in to the Member’s Portal (reminder: you have separate login credentials for your COA) 
  2. Review your contact information (personal email address & phone number) and update as required.  
  3. Upload a copy of the corporation's corporation profile report dated not more than 30 days before applying for renewal and issued from one of the following service providers of the Ministry of Government Services:
  4. Upload a copy of every certificate of the corporation that has been endorsed under the Business Corporations Act since the corporation’s most recent application for a certificate of authorization or for renewal of its certificate of authorization. View a list of types of certificates that may be issued by a Health Profession Corporation.
  5. Review your shareholder information and update as required. You are required to include the full name, business address, business telephone number, and Certificate of Registration number (with the College) of each shareholder of the corporation as of the day the renewal is submitted.  
  6. If there have been changes to the shareholders or officers of the corporation, please complete the Notice of Change to Shareholders Form and email, fax or mail it to the College.
  7. Pay your annual fee online by Visa or MasterCard or send a cheque by March 31st.

Uploading Documents Required for the Renewal

The corporate profile report and any certificates of the corporation should be uploaded to the Member Portal when renewing your Certificate of Authorization. If you have to upload multiple certificates, please combine the file into one pdf document or upload a zip file that contains all of the documents. If you need to provide additional documents after you have completed your renewal submission, please provide them by email to

According to Ontario Regulation 39/02 Certificates of Authorization, members must submit a copy of the Corporation Profile Report (dated not more than 30 days before applying for renewal) and a copy of every certificate of the corporation that has been endorsed under the Business Corporations Act since the corporation’s most recent application for a Certificate of Authorization or for renewal of its Certificate of Authorization.  

Certificates of Authorization

Your renewed Certificate of Authorization will be available in the Member Portal once your renewal submission is approved. Log into your corporation profile through the Member Portal to view, download and print your Certificate of Authorization.

Certificate of Registration

Please remember the deadline for renewing your Certificate of Registration is also March 31st at 11:59 p.m. Eastern TimeKeep in mind that you have separate login credentials to renew your Certificate of Registration. 


Contact: Paige O'Brien, Manager, Council & Corporate Services
T: (416) 925-6331 ext. 224 •TF: 1 (888) 236-4326 ext. 224