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Registered Denturists

Continuing Professional Development 3 Year Cycle

Current Cycle:

Start Date: April 1, 2022

End Date: March 31, 2025

Time Period Structured Learning Activities Unstructured Learning Activities Total
Annually Minimum 10 credits Minimum of 10
3 Year Cycle Minimum of 30 Credits* Maximum of 30 Credits 60


Registered Denturists (members) must complete a minimum of 10 CPD credits annually and are required to log the number of CPD credits they have obtained in the preceding year in their member profile (online through the Member Portal).

3 year Cycle

Members must complete 60 credits over each three-year cycle.

Of those 60 credits in a 3 year cycle, a minimum of 30 must be from participation in Structured Learning Activities. A maximum of 30 credits can be obtained for Unstructured Learning Activities in a 3 year cycle. This distribution was established to encourage registered Denturists to maintain a broad and well-rounded understanding of the Standards of Practice, current issues facing the profession, new developments in the field of denturism, and the evolution of technology that are typically presented in structured learning activities.

To be eligible for CPD credits, activities must have significant intellectual and/or practical content related to the practice of denturism and/or the management of the denturist practice. Activities can also be related to the general professional responsibilities or ethical components of the profession.

Structured Learning Activities

Structured learning activities are active/interactive learning programs. These activities generally have structured agendas, specified learning objectives, and interaction with other members of the profession or other professions. Structured activities include:

  • Conferences or Lectures
  • Webinars or Online Learning Modules
  • Teaching (Lectures, Clinical Instruction, Study Group Mentoring)

Unstructured Learning Activities

Unstructured activities are self-directed, independent learning activities. Unstructured learning activities include:

  • Reading discipline-related books, journals, articles, research papers
  • Viewing/reading/listening to professional audio/video, Internet material
  • Reviewing CDO regulations, standards of practice, policies, guidelines, other CDO materials
  • Preparing/presenting professional presentations
  • Researching/writing/editing professional publications
  • Participation in professional organizations i.e. attending meetings, peer assessor, item writer, exam assessor etc.

Keeping Track of Your CPD Credits

Members can log their completed CPD activities and credits into the online record through the Member Portal. To assist with accuracy in reporting, the CDO encourages members to log their CPD activities as they are completed.

Members are also required to retain proof of activities for the current and previous cycle (6 years total).

How to Count Your Credits

One hour (of participation) = 1 credit

  • Only active hours associated with participation, instruction or attendances associated with a learning activity are eligible for CPD credits.

More Information

For more information on the new CPD Cycle, or if you are a new Registrant please review the following materials: