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What Does a Denturist Do?

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Denturism and the Scope of Practice

A Denturist is a registered oral healthcare professional, one of many that are regulated under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. 

The Denturism Act, 1991 sets out the scope of the practice of denturism:

  • assessment of arches missing some or all teeth; and
  • design, construction, repair, alteration, ordering and fitting of removable dentures.

As a member of a self-regulated profession, a Denturist must engage in safe, competent and ethical practice that promotes oral health and the well-being of the public of Ontario.

The Denturist must be educated to be able to fulfill responsibilities in the areas of:

  1. Complete denture fabrication
  2. Partial denture design and fabrication
  3. Immediate denture fabrication
  4. Implant-supported denture fabrication
  5. Relines, rebases and repairs of patient or practitioner removable dentures

The process around the fabrication and fitting of dentures involves seven phases:

  1. Gathering information related to the patient’s relevant medical history and assessment of oral conditions
  2. Treatment planning and design
  3. Impressions
  4. Assessment of centric and protrusive occlusion
  5. Try-in
  6. Insertion
  7. Professional records and responsibilities
In all activities and environments, the Denturist works independently with the patient, and collaboratively with other healthcare providers where necessary.