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Code of Ethics

Denturists are responsible for conducting themselves ethically in all professional practice situations. To help Denturists determine the most appropriate ethical actions, the College of Denturists of Ontario (CDO) has developed a Code of Ethics. Its principles and standards guide the members of the profession in fulfilling the College’s mandate to serve and protect the public by putting patients first.

The commitment to ethical practice helps to ensure public trust and the integrity of the profession.

The Code of Ethics applies to all registered Denturists, students and interns, and is also relevant to all those who aspire to be members of the College.

The CDO also has a Code of Conduct that governs all members of its Council and Committees.


Denturists are self-regulated professionals. This status obliges them to act competently and ethically in the practice of their profession. They shall maintain recognized standards of care while observing professional values.
Denturists are valuable members of the oral-health team who uphold high standards of ethical behaviours when working with team members, colleagues and members of the public. Denturists value self-governance and recognize the importance of maintaining public trust and respect through engagement in ethical practice.

Core Values

Core values are principles that form the foundation for ethical practice. They guide denturists’ decision-making and conduct and are characteristics that define the profession.
The profession’s core values are:  accountability, beneficence, transparency, dignity, integrity, professionalism, and respect. Each principle is defined below.


Taking responsibility for own actions and services and intervening when patient safety and competent and/or ethical care is at risk. Maintaining professional obligations by adhering to legislation, regulations and standards of practice; and meeting registration and quality assurance program requirements.


Maximizing benefits and minimizing harm for the welfare of the patient.


Sharing current and accurate information, professional opinions, professional title, limitations, risks, benefits, and scope of practice in a way that is meaningful and enables informed decision-making. 


Acting with compassion, empathy, respect and understanding for the patient's quality of life, wishes and right to make an informed decision.


Demonstrating honesty and reliability in all professional relations, communications and business practices.


Maintaining a professional image in all interactions with the public, colleagues and peers.


Demonstrating respect for the patient's choice, time, financial resources, privacy and right to confidentiality, as well as respect for colleagues and peers.