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What's New

Infection Prevention and Control

Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) refers to evidence-based practices and procedures that can prevent or reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms. IPAC requires the attention and participation of all Oral Health Care Workers involved in the delivery of denturism care and service. This commitment by Registered Denturists and clinic staff will help prevent the spread of infectious microorganisms and will help to inspire confidence in patients that they are receiving safe and effective care when they visit a denture clinic.

The College has published two guidance documents for Registered Denturists:

The Guidelines: Infection Prevention and Control in the Practice of Denturism consolidate recommendations for IPAC best practices and procedures published by the Government of Ontario, Public Health Ontario, the Provincial Infectious Disease Advisory Committee, the Canadian Standards Association, and other Oral Health regulators. These Guidelines serve as the basis for IPAC best practices, protocols, and professional responsibilities within the context of the practice of Denturism.

The Guidelines: Additional Precautions for Denturism Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic outlines the additional precautions and measures required in the implementation of IPAC protocols as Registered Denturists practice amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. This document serves to enhance or highlight routine practices that are established in the more comprehensive IPAC Guidelines and provide additional guidance for the enhanced measures that are required as a result of the presence of COVID-19. These Additional Precautions will also apply in the management of other infectious respiratory diseases, should the need arise. 

Online Learning

Public Health Ontario’s online modules: Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Core Competencies

IPAC Core Competencies online modules review the core information that serves as the foundation for IPAC protocols in all practice settings. These modules are provided by Public Health Ontario at no cost.  There are six modules that cover routine practices, occupational health and safety, chain of transmission and risk assessment, health care provider controls, control of the environment, administrative controls, and additional precautions. Public Health Ontario has also published an online course module covering reprocessing of medical equipment and devices.

IPAC Checklists for Dental Practice Settings

Public Health Ontario has developed checklists for the reprocessing of dental equipment/instruments in a dental practice setting. The checklists will help guide Public Health Units and Oral Health regulatory colleges in conducting inspections, assessments, and investigations that focus on IPAC practices. The checklists provide Registered Denturists with an opportunity to self-assess and compare their current IPAC practices with provincial recommendations.

Other Resources

Please feel free to contact the College if you have any questions regarding Infection Prevention and Control. If we do not have the information readily available, we will be happy to liaise with Public Health Ontario to get the information you require.