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About the College

Authority of the College

Under Ontario law, 26 health professions are permitted to self-regulate. Health regulatory Colleges are entrusted with carrying out that authority, acting in the public interest. In Ontario, these Colleges regulate about 300,000 health care professionals, who all follow the same types of strict regulations, policies and standards.

The College of Denturists of Ontario (CDO) is one of these health regulatory Colleges.

Its role and powers are set out under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 and the Denturism Act, 1991.  The CDO reports to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 promotes a patient's right to choose the appropriate health care provider, and ensures that this choice can be made from qualified and accountable professionals.

In health care, self-regulation is a partnership with the public. The CDO’s governing Council (which is like a Board of Directors) includes Denturists elected by their peers and public representatives who are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor. Members of the public also serve on every CDO committee and hearing. That means the public voices and interests are heard in every decision.

The CDO undertakes professional self-regulation in a manner that is transparent, responsive and accessible.