In Ontario, the self-regulation of health care professions is a partnership with the public. The operation of each regulatory College is overseen by a Council, similar to a board of directors. The Council of the College of Denturists of Ontario is composed of:
- Denturists elected by their peers (the registrants of the College); and
- public members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
This governing Council is chaired by the President who is elected by the Council from among the public members. The Council sets out the strategic and policy direction for the College. Council is charged with establishing this strategic and policy direction in the interest of the public.
The Council meets 3-4 times per year. Meetings are open to the public.
Much of the mandated work of the College is carried out by seven statutory committees. These Committees and their functions are mandated under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. Committee membership includes both Denturists and appointed public members.