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About the College

About the College

The College of Denturists of Ontario (CDO) protects and serves the public by governing the profession of denturism in the province.

Despite its name, the College is not an educational institution but a regulator. Its main roles are to:

  • set the education and qualifications necessary for entry into practice
  • issue certificates of registration to Denturists who’ve met the professional requirements, enabling them to practise
  • set the conditions that allow Denturists to maintain registration
  • administer and develop the components of the mandatory Quality Assurance program that assist registrants with staying current and growing their knowledge/skills throughout their career
  • develop standards of practice (the rules that Denturists follow)
  • respond and investigate – openly, fairly, and with legislated authority – when complaints arise
  • hold disciplinary hearings and impose penalties when a Denturist breaches the standards of the profession