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Registered Denturists

Maintaining A Certificate of Registration

Registered Denturists must meet the following requirements to maintain a Certificate of Registration: 

Annual Renewal of a Certificate of Registration

Completed online annually (including payment of applicable fees) by March 31.

Continuing Professional Development Reporting

Registered Denturists are required to complete a minimum of 10 credits in Continuing Professional Development each year. CPD activities are reported through the Member Portal on or before March 31.  Details of the CPD program are found here.

Professional Liability Insurance

Pursuant to Article 32 of the College By-laws,  registered denturists are required to provide proof of professional liability insurance coverage, at the time of initial registration and annually thereafter. 
Professional liability insurance must be maintained at all times. If coverage changes throughout year, the member must report any changes in coverage to the Registrar.

The College does not offer or endorse individual professional liability insurance providers. Members may obtain their liability insurance from any source, including their employer, a professional association, or directly from an insurance company.

Upon request, a registered denturist must provide the College with proof of their insurance policy including: the policy number, name and address of the insured, the policy period, and the coverage details. Members may rely on the insurance coverage provided by their employer if the coverage complies with the requirements of Articles 32.01 and 32.02 of the College By-laws. 

Currency Requirements

All registered Denturists must ensure that their knowledge, skills and judgement are current.
As set out in the Registration Regulation, this currency requirement is met when a Denturist meets one of the following requirements in the three years preceding the current registration renewal:

  1. Has practised denturism for at least 1,500 hours;
  2. Successfully completed the Qualifying Examination;  
  3. Successfully completed any courses approved by the Council; or
  4. Taught denturism for a period of at least twelve months at George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology or any other institution that, in the opinion of the Registration Committee, issues an equivalent diploma or degree.

Certificates of Registration

If a certificate is lost, damaged, stolen or misplaced, the Member must immediately inform the College in writing and request a duplicate as a replacement.
Members requiring duplicate certificates must complete and submit the Duplicate Certificate of Registration Application Form and required fee.