Every health regulatory College has particular regulatory responsibilities. College committees support public safety by ensuring that these responsibilities are carried out.
The College of Denturists of Ontario has seven statutory committees that are required by the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991.
Statutory Committees
Executive Committee - facilitates Council’s decision-making; ensures that the College spends funds wisely; coordinates the work of other committees; ensures that staff and committees are advancing Council’s priorities; assumes power between Council meetings to address matters that require immediate attention.
Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee - reviews and investigates concerns regarding the conduct, actions or health of members of the College (Denturists) in a fair and equitable manner. Concerns come from members of the public, other Denturists or other healthcare professionals in the form of complaints, mandatory reports or other information that prompts the College to undertake an inquiry. When considering the matters before it, the Committee can make a number of different decisions that include:
- take no further action
- Issuing a written reminder or advice
- Issuing a verbal caution, or
- Ordering a specified continuing education or remediation program
The Committee can also refer a matter to the Discipline or Fitness to Practise Committees.
Discipline Committee – holds hearings to consider allegations of professional misconduct or incompetence. The Discipline Committee has the power to revoke, suspend or impose terms, conditions or limitations on a member’s Certificate of Registration.
Discipline hearings are open to the public. In cases where there is a finding of professional misconduct, the results of the proceeding are noted on the College’s public register.
Fitness to Practise Committee –holds hearings to determine whether a Denturist is suffering from a physical or mental condition or disorder that affects, or could affect, their ability to practise. If a Denturist is found to be incapacitated, the Fitness to Practise Committee may direct the Registrar to revoke or suspend a member’s Certificate of Registration or impose specified terms, conditions and limitations on the member’s Certificate.
Patient Relations Committee – responsible for establishing protocols for preventing and dealing with sexual abuse/harassment and boundary violations of patients by the profession and developing educational requirements and guidelines for the conduct of members with their patients.
Quality Assurance Committee – responsible for ongoing development and administration of the College’s Quality Assurance Program. As part of this program, the Committee also ensures that there are mechanisms in place to monitor participation in, and compliance with, the program elements. The Committee is also mandated to develop standards of practice for denturism in Ontario.
Registration Committee – responsible for establishing the fair and transparent policies and procedures related to the granting of a Certificate of Registration. The Committee oversees the initial registration and annual registration renewals. The Committee determines the educational equivalency of internationally trained Denturists and is responsible for reviewing and assessing all applications for Certificates of Registration that have been referred to the Committee by the Registrar.
Non-Statutory Committees
Under the Registration Regulation, all applicants for a Certificate of Registration with the College must successfully complete the Qualifying Examination as set by Council. The Qualifying Examination Committee is responsible for making recommendations to Council regarding the content and process associated with the administration of the Qualifying Examination. The QEC reports to the Council under the support and authority of the Executive and Registration Committees.
The Qualifying Examination Appeals Committee is responsible for reviewing appeals of the results of the Qualifying Examination. The Committee determines the validity of an appeal as outlined in the Qualifying Examination Appeal Policy.
Please click on the link to see a listing of the College’s Committee Members.