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About the College

What's New

  • Dec 6 117th Council Meeting The 117th meeting of Council will be held on Friday, December 13, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (hybrid). Read More
  • Nov 28 Qualifying Examinations Announcement The next administrations of the College’s MCQ and OSCE examinations are scheduled for February 2025 and June 2025. Registration for the February 2025 examination is now open. Read More

Code of Conduct

The College Council, and its Committees, must comply with appropriate standards of conduct. That helps to command the confidence of the government, the public and the profession.

On December 4, 2015, Council approved the following Code of Conduct.

The College also has a Code of Ethics that governs all members of the profession.

Schedule 4 to The By-Laws

Code of Conduct for the College and College Representatives

  1. This Schedule applies to members of Council and members of all committees of the College.
  2. Council and committee members must, at all times, maintain high standards of integrity, honesty and loyalty when discharging their College duties. They must act in the best interest of the College. They shall:
    1.    be familiar and comply with the provisions of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 and its      regulations, the Health Professions Procedural Code, the Denturism  Act, 1991 and its regulations,    and the By-laws and Policies of the College;
    2.    be prepared to participate in Council meetings and committee work, including reading                    background materials and briefing documents;
    3.    diligently take part in committee work and actively serve on committees as appointed by the        Council;
    4.    regularly attend meetings on time (including not missing two (2) three (3) or more                          consecutive meetings without reasonable cause) and participate constructively in                          discussions;
    5.    offer opinions and express views on matters before the College, Council and committee, when        appropriate;
    6.    participate in all deliberations in a respectful and courteous manner, recognizing the diverse          background, skills and experience of Council and committee members;
    7.    uphold the decisions made by a majority of Council and committees, regardless of prior                  individual disagreement;
    8.    place the interests of the College, Council and committee above all other interests;
    9.    avoid and, where that is not possible, declare any appearance of or actual conflicts of interest;
    10.    refrain from including or referencing Council or committee titles or positions held at the College    in any personal or business promotional materials, advertisements and business cards                   (although referencing one’s titles or positions held at the College in one’s curriculum vitae is            acceptable so long as the curriculum vitae is not overtly used in a promotional manner);
    11.    preserve confidentiality of all information before Council or committee unless disclosure has          been authorized by Council or is otherwise exempted under s. 36(1) of the RHPA;
    12.    refrain from attempting to influence a statutory decision unless one is a member of the panel         or, where there is no panel, of the committee dealing with the matter;
    13.    respect the boundaries of staff whose role is not to report to or work for individual Council or          committee members including not contacting staff members directly, except on matters where      the staff member has been assigned to provide administrative support to that committee or          the Council or where otherwise appropriate; and
    14.    be respectful of others and not engage in behaviour that might reasonably be perceived as            verbal, physical or sexual abuse or harassment.