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Certificate of Registration FAQ's

Do I have to renew my certificate of registration each year?

Yes. All members that are registered with the College must complete the renewal process each year.

I do not wish to renew my certificate. What should I do?

Members who wish to resign their certificate of registration are asked to complete and submit the Resignation Declaration Form prior to the renewal deadline of March 31st.

How do I submit my renewal?

Annual renewal of your Certificate of Registration is accomplished online by logging in to your profile through the Member Portal. If you require assistance with this process, please feel free to contact the College staff.

What methods of payment does the College accept?

The College accepts Visa and MasterCard and cheques payable to “the College of Denturists of Ontario”.

Do I get a new physical certificate each year?

No. You only receive 1 certificate which is issued when you are first registered. You may request a duplicate certificate by completing and submitting the Duplicate Certificate of Registration Application Form.

I renewed my insurance through my provider. Why is the College asking me for this information?

All registered members must update their insurance information in their member profile through the Member Portal prior to the expiry of their policy. The College does not update this information for members.

I have not completed the minimum number of CPD credits, can I request an extension?

Members who have not completed the minimum number of CPD credits for the year or cycle may submit a request for an extension. This request must be received 30 days prior to the renewal deadline of March 31. All exemption requests are reviewed by the Quality Assurance Committee. More information regarding CPD credit requirements can be found in the CPD Guide.

Certificate of Authorization FAQ's

Does the College provide any legal, accounting or other advice for corporations?

No. The College does not provide legal or accounting advice. For advice on any matters beyond incorporation application requirements, the College recommends consulting a lawyer and/or accountant.

Where can I find the application forms to apply for a new certificate?

Applications forms are available on our website at Applying for a Certificate of Authorization.

How long will it take to issue my certificate of authorization?

When all application requirements have been met, the processing time for a certificate of authorization is approximately two to three weeks.

Where do I have to note the name of my health professional corporation?

The name of your health profession corporation may be different from your clinic name. Pursuant to section 10.(5) of the Ontario Business Corporations Act, the professional corporation name, must appear legibly on all of the following:
  • Contracts;
  • Invoices;
  • Negotiable Instruments (i.e. cheques, drafts, bonds etc.);
  • Orders for goods or services; and
  • In all documents sent to the Director of the corporation.

Will the College back-date a certificate of authorization?

No. The the College cannot back-date certificates of authorization. The effective date of the certificate will be the date the application is approved.

Who can be shareholders of the corporation?

Shareholders of the corporation must hold a current certificate of registration with the College of Denturists of Ontario.

My corporation has more than one Denturist shareholder. Do I have to provide this information in the application?

Yes. All shareholders of the corporation must be listed under the section titled “Shareholders”.

Must I notify the College if I have added or removed a shareholder from the corporation?

Yes. Under the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA), corporations are required to notify the Registrar of any changes to the status of their shareholders in their corporation. Further, the RHPA requires that notice of shareholder change be provided within 15 days of the change. Notice of changes to shareholders to the College are made with the Notice of Change to Shareholders Form.  

I forgot to notify the College of changes to shareholders of my corporation within 15 days. What should I do now?

Complete and submit a Notice of Change to Shareholders Form immediately, including a brief explanation of the reason why it wasn’t submitted within the 15 day notice period.

What is the acceptable naming convention for an Ontario health profession corporation?

The name of a health profession corporation must strictly adhere to the required format and contain no additional words or characters. It must include the following:

  • the words “Professional Corporation”, or “Societe Professionnelle.”
  • the name of the corporation must indicate the health profession (Denturist) to be practised by registered members of the College through the corporation.
  • the surname of one or more shareholders of the corporation as listed on the College’s Public Register.
  • may also include the Denturist shareholders’ given name(s), one or more of the Denturist shareholders’ initials or a combination of his or her given name and initials.


  • J. Smith Denturist Professional Corporation
  • John Smith Denturist Professional Corporation
  • J. Smith and T. Brown Denturists Professional Corporation
  • Jane Smith & Ted Brown Denturists Professional Corporation
  • Jane Smith Denturologiste Societe Professionnelle
  • Smith Denturist Professional Corporation
  • Smith Denturologiste Societe Professionnelle

What form of payment is acceptable for an application for a new certificate of authorization?

The application fee for a new certificate of authorization is $1,000 (+HST). Payment of the fee is non-refundable and must be paid by credit card, cheque, money order or bank draft. Please make cheques payable to “The College of Denturists of Ontario”.

If I submit an application later in the year do I still have to pay the full $1,000 for a new certificate and pay the renewal fee?

Yes. The application fee for a new certificate of authorization is $1,000 + HST (no matter when you apply during the year) and the annual renewal fee is due not later than 11:59 p.m. on March 31 of each year.

Do I need to submit a certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation?

No. A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation is acceptable.

I have amended the articles since incorporation. Do I need to provide this with my new application package?

Yes. The regulations require a copy of the Certificate of Amendment. It does not have to be a certified copy.

Does the Corporation Profile Report need to be certified?

No. The corporation profile report does not need to be certified.

My Corporation Profile Report has expired. Where can I get a new one?

You may order a corporation profile report from the following service providers of the Ministry of Government Services:

How much is the certificate of authorization renewal fee?

The renewal fee is $350 (+ HST). Payment is made on-line along with the renewal of your certificate of authorization.

What is the renewal date of my certificate of authorization?

The registration year for corporations set by the College is April 1st to March 31st. Certificates of authorization must be renewed online by March 31st of each year.

How do I notify the College of changes to my email, phone number or business address?

Members are responsible for updating changes to their information by logging onto their profile in the Member’s Portal.

I can’t see my health profession corporation information when I log into my account.

Members have a separate user name and password for their health profession corporation account. This information is sent to you when you receive your Certificate of Authorization. Please contact the College at if you require assistance.

Clinic Name FAQ's

What are considered appropriate names?

The College considers the following criteria:

  1. Shall not be perceived as superior ("better than") * (i.e. Best, Number 1, 1st, Perfect, Elite)
    1. Does not contain superlative terms.
  2. Shall not be similar or identical sounding names with another existing denture clinic within Ontario.
  3. Shall not use the former owners clinic name if it contained the previous Denturist's name in any manner including first name, middle name, or surname. 
  4. Shall not hold profession in disrepute
  5. Shall not misrepresent themselves

Do I need my clinic name approved by the College?

As of July 1, 2024, Denturists are no longer required to seek the Executive Committee’s approval of a proposed clinic name and remit an application fee prior to using the proposed clinic name. However, the College still expects clinic names to be professional, dignified, and to comply with the Standard of Practice.

It is important for Denturists to ensure their clinic names meet the requirements prior to investing in signage, marketing, and other business expenses.

If Denturists are unsure whether their clinic names meet the advertising standard, please feel free to reach out to College Staff who can provide guidance.

Who is responsible for conducting a name search for the proposed clinic name?

It is your responsibility to do a proper name search. You should use the College's Public Register, make a provincial business name search, search your local Yellow Pages Directory, and the internet to confirm the name is not already in use by a Denturist in your area.

If I am the new owner of an existing clinic, can I use the previous owner’s name?

No. New owners of an existing clinic cannot use the name of the previous owner when the business is purchased since the clinic name must include the name of the current owner. However, the clinic can include in its advertising that the clinic formerly operated under the name of the previous clinic.

Is my clinic name protected?

Inclusion of a clinic name in the College’s public register does not protect the name of a clinic. Members should consult with their own legal counsel for advice on how to protect the name of a clinic or business.

Do I have to register the name with the Ontario government?

If you are incorporating your clinic, then you will also have to submit the name to the Ontario government as part of the incorporation process. The Ontario government will make a determination about whether it accepts the name of the corporation. If the name of the business is different than the name of the corporation, the business name will also have to be registered with the Ontario government. Business name registration applies to:

  • Sole proprietorships
  • Partnerships

For more information on incorporating in Ontario please follow this link:

Complaint FAQ's

Qui peut déposer une plainte auprès de l’Ordre?

Toute personne, y compris des patients et leurs membres de famille, des collègues de travail, des employeurs et tout autre professionnel de la santé. L’Ordre examine toutes les plaintes et les préoccupations qui lui sont présentées, peu importe d'où elles proviennent.

L’Ordre peut-il imposer au denturologiste de me rembourser de l’argent?

La loi régissant les professionnels de la santé ne permet pas à l’Ordre d’accorder une indemnisation de quelque nature que ce soit. La loi permet seulement au comité des enquêtes, des plaintes et des rapports de rendre une décision concernant la conduite ou les actions d’un denturologiste. En vertu de la loi, le comité ne peut pas accorder une indemnisation de quelque nature que ce soit, seul le tribunal a ce pouvoir.

Que puis-je faire si j’ai des préoccupations concernant les soins que j’ai reçus d’un denturologiste?

Avant de déposer une plainte officielle auprès de l’Ordre concernant les soins relatifs à une prothèse dentaire, l’Ordre recommande, si possible, de discuter de vos préoccupations avec le denturologiste.

Où puis-je obtenir des conseils avant d’envoyer une plainte à l’Ordre?

Si vous avez des questions au sujet du processus de traitement des plaintes ou si vous avez besoin de plus de détails sur la façon de déposer une plainte, veuillez lire le Guide du processus de traitement des plaintes ou contactez l’Ordre en composant le 416-925-6331 ou le 1-888-236-4326, au poste 225.

Comment puis-je déposer une plainte?

Vous devez déposer une plainte auprès de l’Ordre par écrit ou par média enregistrable comme une bande audio ou vidéo ou un film. Votre plainte peut être envoyée à l’Ordre par courrier de surface ou par courriel. Pour vous faciliter la tâche, l’Ordre peut vous faire parvenir une copie de notre formulaire de dépôt de plainte.

Puis-je déposer une plainte par téléphone?

L’Ordre ne peut pas accepter une plainte par téléphone.

Y a-t-il un délai prescrit pour déposer une plainte?

Non.  Toutefois, il est préférable de déposer une plainte dans un délai raisonnable suivant l’incident qui a mené à votre plainte. Ceci peut également aider l’Ordre à régler des problèmes qui peuvent poser des risques à d’autres patients.

Que se passe-t-il après que je dépose une plainte?

Lorsque l’Ordre reçoit une plainte officielle, il envoie une lettre accusant la réception de la plainte à la personne qui l’a déposée. Afin d’assurer la confidentialité de la plainte, toute la correspondance provenant de l’Ordre est envoyée par courrier ordinaire.

Qui traite les plaintes?

Le comité des enquêtes, des plaintes et des rapports (ICRC) examine toutes les plaintes qui sont déposées auprès de l’Ordre. Les membres du ICRC sont nommés par le conseil et incluent des membres de la profession ainsi que des membres du public qui sont désignés par le lieutenant-gouverneur en conseil. Le personnel de l’Ordre assiste aux tâches du ICRC, mais il ne fait pas partie du comité et n’est pas impliqué dans son processus de décision.

Comment commence le processus?

Lorsque l’Ordre reçoit une plainte, une copie de la plainte est fournie au denturologiste qui fait l’objet de la plainte. Le denturologiste a 30 jours pour faire parvenir une réponse par écrit à l’Ordre. Ensuite, vous avez l’occasion de voir la réponse du denturologiste. Sauf si cela menace votre sécurité personnelle, votre nom et la nature de la plainte sont communiqués au denturologiste.

En quoi consiste l’enquête?

Le personnel de l’Ordre ou un enquêteur désigné mène une enquête approfondie et impartiale sur la plainte. Dans le cadre de l’enquête, l’Ordre recueille l’information pertinente qui inclut des observations écrites provenant du patient et du denturologiste et de tout autre professionnel de la santé qui était impliqué dans les soins en cause. L’Ordre peut exiger des dossiers médicaux du patient. Le comité peut également faire appel à un expert pour évaluer le cas. Un enquêteur désigné peut également communiquer avec tout tiers concerné comme une compagnie d’assurance.

Que peut décider le comité?

Le comité décide si l’information recueillie au cours de l’enquête appuie les allégations du plaignant. Parmi ses options, le comité peut :

  • Ne prendre aucune autre mesure.
  • Donner des conseils sous forme d’un rappel par écrit ou donner un avertissement en personne si le comité croit que le denturologiste bénéficierait de conseils sur la façon de se comporter à l'avenir.
  • Exiger que le denturologiste comparaisse devant un sous-comité du ICRC à Toronto pour recevoir un avertissement.
  • Exiger ou accepter la volonté du denturologiste de participer à une formation ou à un programme d’études pour améliorer sa pratique.
  • Renvoyer le denturologiste à un sous-comité du ICRC s’il y a des préoccupations que la santé du denturologiste peut nuire à sa capacité de pratiquer.
  • Décider de ne pas mener une enquête, car la plainte est futile, vexatoire, un abus de procédure ou faite de mauvaise foi.
  • Renvoyer les allégations d’une faute ou d’une incompétence professionnelle au comité de discipline.
Dans le cas d’un renvoi au comité de discipline, l’Ordre vous informe de la façon dont vous continuerez à participer au processus.

Le comité n’est pas une commission d’enquête sur les faits. Il ne tient pas d’audiences durant lesquelles des conclusions de culpabilité ou d’innocence sont établies. Le ICRC ne peut pas :
  • Exiger que le denturologiste présente des excuses au plaignant.
  • Exiger qu’une autre entité administrative ou organisation modifie une décision concernant l’objet de la plainte (p. ex., exiger qu’une compagnie d’assurance modifie ses services de prestations).
  • Exiger qu’un employeur sanctionne un denturologiste.

Que se passe-t-il une fois que le ICRC a rendu sa décision?

Une fois que le ICRC a rendu sa décision portant sur la plainte, vous et le denturologiste recevez une copie écrite de la décision du comité et de ses motifs.


Y a-t-il un processus d’appel?

Oui.  À la demande de l’une ou l’autre des parties, une commission provinciale indépendante appelée la Commission d’appel et de révision des professions de la santé  peut étudier la décision du ICRC. 

Veuillez cliquer ici pour de plus amples détails concernant le processus d’examen des plaintes de la Commission d’appel et de révisions des professions de la santé

Ce droit d’examen ne s’applique pas aux cas qui sont renvoyés au comité de discipline ou au comité d’aptitude professionnelle.


Combien de temps faut-il pour compléter le processus de traitement des plaintes?

La loi exige qu’une plainte soit réglée dans un délai de 150 jours. Si votre plainte n’est pas réglée au terme de ce délai, l’Ordre vous tiendra à jour de son progrès. En tout temps, vous pouvez contacter l’Ordre pour obtenir une mise à jour du progrès de votre plainte.

Puis-je retirer une plainte?

Si vous désirez retirer votre plainte, vous devez en faire la demande par écrit auprès du comité des enquêtes, des plaintes et des rapports. Ce dernier examine attentivement les questions soulevées dans votre plainte. Si le ICRC est d’avis que les questions soulevées dans votre plainte peuvent mettre le public en danger, il peut décider de poursuivre son enquête.

Quelle est la différence entre le comité de discipline et le comité d’aptitude professionnelle?

Le comité de discipline examine les cas les plus graves où un membre peut être incompétent ou peut avoir commis une faute professionnelle. Les audiences disciplinaires sont ouvertes au public.

Le comité d’aptitude professionnelle examine les cas où un membre peut souffrir d’un problème de santé ou d’un trouble qui peut nuire à sa capacité d’exercer avec compétence. En raison de la nature délicate et confidentielle des questions en cause dans les cas d’aptitude professionnelle, ces audiences sont à huis clos.

Est-ce qu’une partie du processus de traitement des plaintes est rendue publique?

Toute l’information pertinente au processus de traitement des plaintes, y compris le nom du plaignant ainsi que le nom du denturologiste, est confidentielle, sauf si le cas est renvoyé au comité de discipline ou au comité d’aptitude professionnelle.

Selon la Loi de 1991 sur les professions de la santé réglementées, au terme d’une audience tenue par le comité de discipline ou le comité d’aptitude professionnelle, l’Ordre doit publier certains renseignements dans le registre public.

Puis-je utiliser la décision de l’Ordre devant un tribunal civil?

Non. En vertu de l’article 36 (3) de la LPSR, aucun rapport et aucune décision n’est admissible devant un tribunal civil.

Continuing Professional Development FAQ's

Where can I find more details regarding the CPD Program?

Full details regarding the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program are contained in the CPD Guide

Who Must Participate in the CPD Program?

All members who hold an active Certificate of Registration with the College are required to participate in CPD.

What Activities Count as CPD?

To be eligible for CPD credits, activities must have significant intellectual and/or practical content related to the practice of denturism and/or the management of the denturist practice. Activities can also be related to broader professional Activities.

Activities that are eligible for CPD credit can be either Structured or Unstructured:

Structured Learning Activities
Structured learning activities are active/interactive learning programs. These activities generally have structured agendas, specified learning objectives, and interaction with other members of the profession or other professions. Structured activities include:

  • Conferences or Lectures
  • Webinars or Online Learning Modules
  • Teaching (Lectures, Clinical Instruction, Study Group Mentoring)

Unstructured Learning Activities
Unstructured activities are self-directed, independent learning activities. Unstructured activities include:

  • Reading profession-related books, journals, articles, research papers
  • Viewing/reading/listening to professional audio/video, internet material
  • Reviewing CDO regulations, standards of practice, policies, guidelines, other CDO materials
  • Preparing/presenting professional presentations
  • Researching/writing/editing professional publications
  • Participation in professional organizations (i.e. attending meetings, peer assessor, item writer, exam assessor etc).

How Many Credits Do I Need?

Time Period Structured Learning Activities Unstructured Learning Activities Total
Annually Minimum 10 credits Minimum of 10
3 Year Cycle Minimum of 30 Credits Maximum of 30 Credits 60

Do I have to Report my CPD activity?

Yes. Reporting happens at 2 levels; Annual Reporting and 3 year Cycle Reporting.

Is This Information Audited?


How Do I Keep Track of My CPD Credits?

Registered Denturists can log their completed CPD activities and credits in their online record through the Member Portal. To assist with accuracy in reporting, members are encouraged to log their CPD activities as they are completed.

Can I carry over credits I earned during a 3 year cycle into a subsequent 3 year cycle?


What will happen if I don’t complete the required number of credits in my three-year cycle?

All members must participate in CPD activities as part of the QA program requirements. If a member does not report the required number of CPD credits, the QA Committee will require some follow-up, require the member to undergo a Peer & Practice Assessment or, in cases of continued non-compliance refer the matter to the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee.

As a new registrant, can I obtain CPD credits prior to the start of my three year cycle?

Yes. CPD activities can be recorded for credit if they were completed after you became registered with the College.

Is there a list of accredited programs/courses to which members can refer?

The College does not accredit or approve CPD courses. The College supports individual selection of CPD activities that includes reflection and self-assessment of learning needs and objectives. Members should select courses based on their self-assessments, peer & practice assessments, and professional interests.

How can a member meet the 3 year cycle requirement if the minimum annual requirement is only 10 credits?

The annual minimum requirement of 10 credits/year was established to allow for some flexibility in the amount of time that is devoted to CPD activities in any given year. This allows a member to concentrate CPD activities in a year where he/she has more time available for CPD and to complete only the minimum of 10 credits in another year. However, when possible, members should complete 20 credits/year so that they remain on track to meet the 3 year cycle requirement and avoid having to obtain a large number of credits in the last year of the 3 year cycle.

The following chart provides some examples of how members can meet the 3 year cycle requirement:

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
10 40 10 60
10 20 30 60
20 20 20 60

Please note that in each year, members are completing a minimum of 10 credits.

Discipline FAQ's

What is a discipline hearing?

A discipline hearing is the final stage of the discipline process. Evidence is heard and submissions are made, usually by legal counsel, respecting the allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence to a panel of the Discipline Committee. Based on the information presented during the hearing, the discipline panel makes a finding as to whether or not the allegations have been proven. If there is a finding of professional misconduct and/or incompetence, the discipline panel will also hear submissions respecting penalty, and may issue an Order on penalty (example: suspension of registration) at the conclusion of the proceedings.

Are discipline hearing open to the public?

Yes. Hearings are open to the public unless, because of security or safety concerns, the panel has ordered otherwise. If you wish to attend a hearing please contact the College by email or by telephone at (416) 925-6331 ext. 225 or toll free at 1-888-236-4326 ext. 225.

What is professional misconduct?

It is considered professional misconduct when a member breaches a section of the CDO’s professional misconduct regulation. Some examples include:

  • Failure to maintain the Standards of Practice
  • Working while impaired
  • Abusive conduct
  • Performing a Controlled Act not authorized to the profession
  • Providing unnecessary services
  • Inadequate documentation and record keeping
  • Acting in a conflict of interest
  • Inappropriate business practices (i.e. falsifying a record, charging excessive fees, failing to carry professional liability insurance)
  • Disgraceful, dishonourable, unethical, and unprofessional conduct (i.e. that demonstrates a lack of integrity, dishonesty, abuse of power, disregard for public welfare and safety)
  • Sexual abuse of a patient

Who is involved in a disciplinary proceeding?

The parties include the College (represented by its legal counsel, the prosecutor) and the Denturist (generally represented by his or her own lawyer, the defence counsel). Legal counsel is not required for members referred to a discipline hearing.

The College is required to provide the Denturist and/or his or her lawyer with all relevant information obtained during the investigation. That includes written and documentary evidence to be introduced, the identity of any expert witnesses, summaries of the evidence they will give, and the identity of any other witnesses who will appear.

The disciplinary process can include a pre-hearing conference and a formal hearing.

What is the purpose of a pre-hearing conference?

After a case has been referred to the Discipline Committee, a first step may be to hold a pre-hearing conference. Both parties must agree to participate in this process. Through informal and unrecorded discussions, an attempt is made to determine if a settlement can be reached.

Any proposed settlement must have the support of the member of the Discipline Committee acting as chair during this conference. The agreement is then presented to a panel of the Discipline Committee, often in the form of an agreed statement of facts.

The panel considers whether the terms of the settlement will protect the public. The panel is not bound by the recommendation.

How does the hearing work?

Hearings proceed in a manner similar to proceedings in a court of law. If the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee refers a matter to the Discipline Committee, the College will present evidence before a panel of the Discipline Committee that consists of Denturists and members of the public. The panel is independent of the College.

A hearing is a formal process, much like that of a court of law. Hearings are open to the public.

How many members does a Discipline Panel have?

A panel is comprised of at least 3 and no more than 5 individuals. At least two panel members must be members of Council who are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council,  and at least one of the members of the panel shall be both a member of the College and a member of Council. 

What is the role of the Panel?

At the hearing the panel will:

  • consider the allegations, hear the evidence and determine the facts of the case;
  • determine whether the evidence proves the allegations;
  • determine whether the Denturist has committed an act of professional misconduct or is incompetent;
  • determine any penalty when there is a finding of guilt or incompetence; and
  • determine costs.

Are decisions made public?

Findings are published on the College’s website, and made available on the Public Register, indefinitely.

When can a Member whose registration was revoked or suspended apply for reinstatement?

In most cases, one year after the Certificate of Registration was revoked or suspended.

If the revocation was ordered because of sexual abuse, the member must wait five years to apply for reinstatement.

Patient Sexual Abuse FAQs for Patients

I don’t understand why a Denturist cannot date their patients. If we’ve both consented, what difference does it make?

Under Ontario law it is considered to be sexual abuse when a regulated health professional touches, behaves or makes remarks of a sexual nature towards a patient, including having physical sexual relations with a patient. 

If a Denturist is dating a patient and doing any of these things it constitutes sexual abuse. It does not matter if the patient starts the relationship or consents to the relationship. 

Being found guilty of sexual abuse can result in a Denturist having their registration with the College revoked, meaning they can no longer practice as a Denturist.  Specifically, if the sexual abuse consisted of, or included, any of the following,

  1. sexual intercourse,
  2. genital to genital, genital to anal, oral to genital, or oral to anal contact,
  3. masturbation of the Denturist by, or in the presence of, the patient,
  4. masturbation of the patient by the Denturist,
  5. encouragement of the patient by the Denturist to masturbate in the presence of the Denturist,
a Discipline Panel is required to revoke a Denturist’s registration with the College.

What happens when I contact the College?

First, you’ll speak with our Sexual Abuse Liaison about what’s involved. She has training in sexual abuse and is sensitive to what you’ve been through. You can speak to her anonymously or arrange to meet with her in person by calling Tera Goldblatt at 416-925-6331 ext. 223 or emailing

If you file a complaint, your complaint will be transferred to an investigator for a formal investigation. The investigator will contact you and ask you to describe what happened in as much detail as possible. You’ll also be asked to sign a consent form so we can obtain your medical records.

What about confidentiality?

We understand that many patients will find it very difficult to come forward with a complaint about sexual abuse and patients will want to protect their privacy. While you can contact the College anonymously and make general inquiries, once you reveal the Denturist’s identity, we may need to act on that information as part of our legal obligation to protect the public.  You should be aware that if we proceed with an investigation, we must disclose your name to the Denturist who is being investigated so that they have an opportunity to respond.

What happens if my complaint is referred to the Discipline Committee?

Disciplinary hearings at the College are much like court proceedings:

  • A lawyer is appointed by the College to prosecute your case. 
  • A panel of Denturists and members of the public hear evidence on both sides and make a ruling based on that evidence.
  • You may be asked to testify. Both the College’s lawyer and the Denturist’s lawyer may ask you questions.
  • The public and the media may be allowed to attend the hearing, and the media can publish the name of the Denturist.  
  • You can request a publication ban of your name. 
You may want to, although you are not required to, retain a lawyer to assist you with the process. The College will provide you with a support person from our staff to assist you with the entire process.

Why report?

Coming forward will likely be difficult, but there are good reasons for reporting:

  • You could help the College ensure that what happened to you does not happen to someone else.
  • Having your complaint taken seriously may help you find closure and healing.
  • Speaking publicly about your experience might encourage other sexual abuse victims to speak up.
  • The law may have been broken.

How can I recognize sexual abuse?

Inappropriate behaviours can be obvious or subtle, and words can be as damaging as actions.  The following list includes some examples of actions or behaviours that may be inappropriate on the part of a Denturist.

Please contact the College if you experience any of the following:

  • Any unwanted sexual attention or behaviour, (e.g. kissing or hugging in a sexual way).
  • Touching of a sexual nature.  Clearly, touching of a patient’s breasts, buttocks, or genitals is never required or appropriate in the context of providing denturism care to a patient.  Consequently, any touching of these body parts would amount to sexual abuse of a patient. That said, touching of a sexual nature is not restricted to these body parts.  If a Denturist touches another body part (say the face) in a sexual manner, that touching could constitute sexual abuse.  To be clear, touching of the face in a non-sexual manner is clinically appropriate for the purposes of providing denturism care but touching the same body part in a sexual manner would constitute sexual abuse.   
  • Sexually suggestive or seductive remarks, (e.g. comments about your sexual relationships or sexual orientation, or inappropriate sexual remarks or questions about your appearance or clothing etc.).
  • Sexually insulting or offensive comments or jokes.
  • Being asked to meet you outside the clinic or practice setting.
  • Being asked to have an intimate, personal relationship with you, (e.g. dating).
  • Not asking for permission before touching.

Once the Denturist starts touching me, can I ask them to stop?

Yes.  You can ask that an action be stopped anytime if you are feeling uncomfortable.  Consent to an activity is up to you, and you can withdraw it at any time.  You can also ask the Denturist to explain what they are doing and why they are doing it.

What is appropriate touching?

In order to assess and provide treatment to patients, Denturists use their hands to touch maxillofacial area.  When that happens, you should expect the Denturist to:

  • Tell you what they are going to do before touching you.
  • Ask for your permission to touch you.
  • Give you the opportunity to ask questions or express any concerns.
  • Treat you with respect.

What should I do if I suspect sexual abuse by a Denturist?

If you are being sexually abused or have reason to suspect that someone else is being sexually abused by a Denturist, please contact the College of Denturists of Ontario.  The College takes these matters seriously and will investigate the matter.

How will the College help me if I’ve been sexually abused by a Denturist?

The College administers a fund to cover the specific costs of any therapy or counselling that patients need related to sexual abuse by a Denturist as well as funding that supports access to therapy or counselling for victims of alleged sexual abuse.  More information can be found on the Funding for Therapy & Counselling page of the College’s website.  You are also welcome to contact the College of Denturists of Ontario for information on the fund and to learn about your eligibility.

Who is eligible to apply for funding for therapy or counselling?

If you have been sexually abused by a member of the College of Denturists of Ontario, you may qualify for this program. A person is eligible for funding if any of the following situations apply:

  1. It is alleged (in a complaint or report) that you, while you were a patient, were sexually abused by a Denturist;
  2. There has been a finding by a panel of the College’s Discipline Committee that you, while you were a patient, was sexually abused by a Denturist;
  3. A Denturist enters into an undertaking with the College to provide funding for therapy and counselling;
  4. There is an admission made by a Denturist in a statement to the College or in an agreement with the College that they sexually abused you while you were a patient of the Denturist;
  5. A Denturist has been convicted under the Criminal Code of Canada of sexually assaulting you while you were a patient of a Denturist and the facts supporting the sexual assault constitute sexual abuse within the meaning of the Health Professions Procedural Code;
  6. There is a statement, contained in the written reasons of a committee of the College given after a hearing, that you were sexually abused by a Denturist while you were a patient; or
  7. There is sufficient information presented to the Patient Relations Committee to support a reasonable belief that you, while you were a patient, were sexually abused by a Denturist.

I have made a complaint to the College alleging sexual abuse against a Denturist. Do I have to wait until the complaint or the discipline process has concluded before applying for funding?

No.  You do not have to wait until the complaints or discipline process has concluded.  You can apply for funding for therapy and counselling at any time after filing a complaint. 

In fact, filing a complaint with the College alleging that a Denturist has sexually abused you while you were a patient is one of the eligibility criteria for receiving funding.    

How do I apply for funding for therapy and counselling?

The College requires that you complete an Application for Funding for Therapy and Counselling. This form provides the Patient Relations Committee with the information required to assess your eligibility.  On the form, you will need to indicate which category of eligibility you fall under (as described above). You do not need to have a therapist or counsellor identified to apply for funding.

If you have a therapist or counsellor or know who you would like to see, you will need to complete a Therapist or Counsellor Information Form.  This form contains the information needed to process payments to the therapist or counsellor, and both you and therapist or counsellor must complete parts of it.  Please note that this form must be completed before funding can begin.

What happens after I apply for funding?

College staff will contact you to confirm receipt of your application, and will tell you whether any additional information is required.  You will also be notified of the timelines associated with the Patient Relations Committee’s review of your application. 

Will the Denturist be told that I’ve applied for funding?

If the College wishes to recover the costs of therapy from the Denturist, they will be notified of your application. Also, if a discipline hearing against the Denturist is pending, disclosure obligations may require that the Denturist receives a copy of the funding application.

Do I have to meet with the Patient Relations Committee?

No. The Patient Relations Committee makes its decision based on a review of your written application.

Is there a requirement for a psychological assessment or a report from a therapist to support the need for therapy?


How much funding is available?

The maximum funding available to each applicant for therapy or counselling is established by the legislation, and is equivalent to the amount that the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) would pay for 200 half-hour sessions of individual out-patient psychotherapy with a psychiatrist. This funding amounts to approximately $16,000 per person and is accessible over a five-year period. The legislation further provides that the funding provided is reduced by the amount that OHIP or a private insurer is willing to pay. The funding is paid directly to the therapist or counsellor.

The College may provide additional funding for certain expenses associated with accessing therapy or counselling related to the sexual abuse. This support funding is only available concurrently with therapy or counselling that a patient is receiving pursuant to the legislation. The total amount of support funding available is $9,000. The $9,000 may be used towards any of the following expenses:

  • Medication, treatments and remedies;
  • Dependent care; and
  • Travel expenses
For details on the additional support funding that is available please see the College’s Funding for Therapy or Counselling Eligibility Policy.

The Patient Relations Committee will consider specific requests for therapy or counselling and support funding and will determine whether the requests are captured by the legislation or by the College’s support funding policy.

Is there a time limit on using the funding?


The legislation states that the funding can only be provided for five years from:

  1. the day on which you first received therapy or counselling approved by the Patient Relations Committee; or
  2. if you request reimbursement for past therapy or counselling costs, the five-year period will begin on the date you first received therapy or counselling.

Are there any restrictions on which therapist or counsellor I use?


You may choose any therapist or counsellor.  In order to receive funding, the therapist or counsellor you choose cannot have any family relationship with you and cannot have been found guilty of professional misconduct of a sexual nature or been found liable by a court for an act of a similar nature. You can choose a therapist or counsellor who is not a regulated health professional; however, you will be asked to verify that you understand that there is no avenue for professional discipline for therapists or counselors who are not regulated health professionals.  

Can I use more than one therapist or counsellor?

Yes. You may use the maximum funding for therapy within the five-year limitation for as many therapists or counsellors as you think will be helpful to you.  

How will I know how much funding I have left if the money is paid directly to the therapist or counsellor?

The College will send you a letter once a year keeping you informed as to how much money is left for the costs of your therapy. You can also contact the College at any time to inquire about the balance of your funding.

Is there anything else I should know about funding?

You should be aware that a decision by the Patient Relations Committee that you are eligible for funding does not constitute a finding of professional misconduct against a Denturist. It will not be considered by any other Committee of the College dealing with your complaint.

Who can I contact to find out more information?

For more information, you may contact our Sexual Abuse Liaison. You can speak to her anonymously or arrange to meet with her in person by calling Catherine Mackowski at 416-925-6331 ext. 225 or emailing​
Patient Sexual Abuse FAQs for Denturists

What is sexual abuse?

Some people may believe that a definition of sexual abuse is subjective. This is not the case in Ontario when it comes to the sexual abuse of patients by regulated healthcare providers. The Regulated Health Professions Act sets out a clear definition of the sexual abuse of patients. The definition of “sexual abuse” of a patient by a member means:

  1. sexual intercourse or other forms of physical sexual relations between the member and the patient,
  2. touching, of a sexual nature, of the patient by the member, or
  3. behaviour or remarks of a sexual nature by the member towards the patient.

Is it still considered sexual abuse if the patient consents to an intimate relationship?

Even if the patient consents, Denturists are not allowed to have a sexual relationship with a patient, in or out of the clinical or practice setting.  The Denturist is always the one responsible for understanding and maintaining appropriate professional boundaries with a patient.

Can I treat my spouse?

The definition of sexual abuse includes conduct, behaviour or remarks made to a Denturist’s spouse if they occur during the practice of the profession. This is true even if the intimate relationship began before the Denturist-patient relationship began.

Effective October 21, 2021, there is an exception made for the spouse of a denturist. Accordingly, denturists are now permitted to treat their “spouse” as defined in section 1(6) of the Health Professions Procedural Code.1  This exception is not retroactive and any denturist who treated their spouse prior to October 21, 2021, could still be found to have sexually abused a patient. 

Regardless of this spousal exception, it is still considered sexual abuse if the conduct, behaviour or remarks made towards a member’s spouse occurs during the practice of the profession.

1 1(6) “spouse”, in relation to a member, means,

  • (a)  a person who is the member’s spouse as defined in section 1 of the Family Law Act, or
  • (b)  a person who has lived with the member in a conjugal relationship outside of marriage continuously for a period of not less than three years.

Sometimes patients flirt with me. What should I do?

Denturists must maintain professional boundaries in all circumstances. This includes recognizing signs of a potentially inappropriate interaction and taking steps to deal with it—even when initiated by a patient. 

Not dealing with the patient’s behaviour directly may have serious consequences. If you respond in a similarly flirtatious or joking manner, the patient could interpret your actions as a willingness to begin a relationship. Even ignoring or staying silent on the patient’s behaviour may indicate to the patient that you are willing to begin a relationship.

Even though it may be uncomfortable, you cannot ignore the situation.  It is your professional responsibility to tactfully put a stop to the patient’s behaviour.

A denturism student on a placement with me has been regularly having coffee with one of the patients. What should I do?

As the student’s supervising Denturist, you have an obligation to intervene. Explain to the student why having coffee with a patient may be a problem. Find out if the student can understand the differences between a therapeutic relationship and a personal one. Even though they are still a student there is a power imbalance in favour of the student.  The denturism student has knowledge and skills and may hold private knowledge about the patient. You and the student are responsible for setting professional boundaries to maintain a safe therapeutic environment for the patients.

I see patients for years and sometimes get invited to attend birthday parties and other events. If professional boundaries are maintained, are there any other ethical issues I should consider?

A Denturist must maintain professional boundaries with each patient. Seeing a patient socially moves the relationship from a professional to a personal relationship. 

Consider some of the challenges that may arise with attending these social gatherings: 

Privacy: you cannot discuss any health information outside of the clinical setting.

Communication: a Denturist needs to ensure discussions with patients about their care remains within a clinical setting.

Maintaining professional objectivity: moving from a professional to a personal relationship may impact your ability to remain objective during delivery of care.

There are no simple yes or no answers to these questions, but a Denturist should carefully consider the impact that attending such a function might have on their professional relationship with a patient.

What should I do if I suspect one of my co-workers is dating one their patients?

If the co-worker is a Denturist or a member of another regulated health profession (e.g., a Dentist) you must make what is called a “mandatory report”. If the co-worker is a Denturist, you must file the mandatory report with this College; if the co-worker is a member of another regulated health profession you must file the mandatory report with their college.  You cannot include the name of the patient who may have been sexually abused in the mandatory report unless the patient, or if the patient is incapable, the patient’s representative, consents in writing to including the patient’s name.

What is a Mandatory Report?

Denturists, and those who employ Denturists are legally required to file a mandatory report if: 

  1. they have reasonable grounds, based on information obtained in the course of practising the profession, to believe that another Denturist or a member of a different regulated health profession has sexually abused a patient. This report must be filed with the college that regulates the health professional.
  2. privacy breaches related to patient health or personal information have occurred. These breaches must be reported to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

What if I don’t file a report?

Failing to file a mandatory report when required is an offence under the law that can result in a fine of up to $25,000.

If you are unsure whether a report is required you can contact the College and speak to our Sexual Abuse Liaison for assistance.

How should I explain the mandatory reporting requirement to a patient who has been abused?

Explain to the patient about your obligation as a regulated health care professional. Explain that the law requires you to report the sexual abuse to your regulatory college.  Also explain that you will only include their name in your report if they provide you with their written consent to do so. Make sure that the patient understands that they do not need to consent even though it will assist the College with their investigation.

What happens to the mandatory report after it is made to the College?

The Registrar will forward the report to the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee. The Committee will review the report and any supporting documentation (the Denturist's response for example) and decide if there are grounds to request a formal investigation. 

The Committee can make the following decisions:

  • Refer allegations of professional misconduct or incompetence to the Discipline Committee 
  • Refer allegations of incapacity to the Fitness to Practise Committee 
  • Issue a caution to the Denturist
  • Provide advice to the Denturist 
  • Negotiate an undertaking agreement with the member 
  • Take no action

In order to avoid sexual abuse allegations should I have a staff person with me during all client appointments?

There is no requirement to have an additional person with you when treating patients. However, many clients feel particularly vulnerable in an oral healthcare setting. Therefore, Denturists should use their professional judgment to determine the client’s comfort level and whether the presence of an additional person is advisable. Some patients will be more comfortable if they have a friend or family member with them, or if you have another staff person in the clinic room; others may prefer to be alone with their Denturist during treatment. Some patients may be uncomfortable if the door to a clinic room where they are being treated is closed; others may wish for the privacy provided by a closed door. The key is to ensure that you are communicating with your patients in order to meet their individual needs and comfort level. 

Who can I contact to find out more information?

For more information, you may contact our Sexual Abuse Liaison by calling Ms. Tera Goldblatt at 416-925-6331 ext. 223 or emailing
Qualifying Examination FAQ's

Do I have to complete the QE Initial Application form each time I want to register for the Qualifying Examination?

No. The online QE Initial Application must be completed and submitted with supporting documentation only prior to registering for your first attempt at the Qualifying Examination.

Where can I find a Notary Public to notarize my documentation?

A directory of Notary Publics can be found HERE

Who signs the passport photos?

The candidate is required to sign the back of one of the passport photos. These must be submitted with the QE Initial Application. 

Will the College confirm receipt of my QE Initial Application?

Yes.  The College will confirm receipt and process your QE Initial Application within 3 to 5 business days.

Am I registered for the Qualifying Examination now that I have submitted my QE Initial Application?

No. The QE Initial Application is only used to create your CDO profile and confirm you have met the educational requirement.  Once you receive notification that your initial application has been processed and approved, you can register for the Qualifying Examination. 

How will I know that I am eligible to register for the Qualifying Examination?

You will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to register for the exam. 

Will the College confirm receipt of my Qualifying Examination Registration Form?

Yes, you will receive an email confirmation that you are registered for the exams.

Do I have to take both components of the Qualifying Examination at the same time?

No. Candidates may choose to take one component or both components at one time. However, candidates must successfully complete both components of the Qualifying Exam, unless they have passed one of the two components in a previous attempt. 

The QE consists of two components:

Part I: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) - knowledge based written exam

Part II: Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) – practical exam

Can I pay for the exam in installments?

Once the exam invoice has been generated, you may make smaller payments. However, payment in full is required prior to the exam registration deadline. 


I am repeating the exam this year. Do I get a discount?

Regretfully no.  The examination fees are set on cost recovery basis for the exam administration.  Consequently, the full exam registration fee is required for each component and at each attempt.

When will I receive confirmation that I am registered for an examination session?

An email confirming your registration for the exam and an invitation for you to attend the mandatory candidate orientation session will be sent to all registered candidates at least 3 weeks prior to the examination.

When will I receive my schedule for the exam?

This information will be sent via email to all registered candidates 3 weeks prior to the exam.

Is there a map to the exam site?

Yes. The map to the exam site is updated on the Exam Dates landing page approximately 4-6 weeks prior to the exam.

Is there parking at the exam centres?

Parking is available in the area of the test centre. 

Is lunch provided?

Lunch is not provided. 

How do I dress for the exams?

Part I - MCQ: There is no official dress code. 
Part II - OSCE: Candidates are required to wear scrubs and comfortable shoes. Any logos or other identifiers (school, employer, individual) must be removed or securely and fully covered with an opaque material such as duct tape.

What do I need to bring to my exam?

A government issued photo identification. All other materials that you will need throughout the examination will be provided to you.  

How can I prepare for the exam?

The following documents and links contain detailed information regarding the QE and its components.  Candidates are advised to familiarize themselves with the information contained in these documents prior to entering into the examination process: The following may be useful resources when preparing for the QE:

Can I get copies of past exam questions for Part I-MCQ?

No.  Past examination questions are not available.   The MCQ exam questions follow the very common format of a four option multiple choice question.  See Sample Questions

What types of questions does the OSCE portion of the examination include?

The OSCE stations are designed to test the competencies outlined in the QE blueprint and include two different types of stations:
  • Interactive stations have a standardized patient who presents with an issue(s). The candidate is required to assess the information provided by the patient with the assistance of any props or models in the station and determine the best treatment plan and/or options for that patient.  This is similar to a consultation. There are no intraoral procedures in the OSCE examination.
    View Video of Sample OSCE Interactive Station
  • Non-interactive stations may have pictures, models, props or diagrams and a checklist. At the non-interactive station, the candidate answers a question in a multiple-choice format after considering all of the question related materials that are provided.  

How and when will I get the results?

Results are available approximately 6 weeks after the completion of all exam components. You will receive an email notifying you that the examination results have been posted online. Results are released on a pass/fail basis only. When you receive this email, please log into your Candidate Profile on the College website to view your results. 


What are the passing marks for the OSCE and MCQ portions of the examination?

The College, under the direction of psychometric consultants, utilize industry best practice methodologies for high stakes testing to determine examination cut scores.


How many attempts to take the exam is allowed?

There are currently no restrictions on the number of attempts of the Qualifying Examination.  

What is the College’s policy on the appeals process for the results of the exam?

The examination appeal policy can be found in Qualifying Examination Appeal Policy.

What is the last date for withdrawal from the examination? Is there a fee?

The last day to withdraw from the examination with a full refund (minus a $100 administrative fee for each component) is 15 business days prior to the scheduled examination date. This information is further described in the Qualifying Examination Refund Policy  and the Qualifying Examination Withdrawal Policy.
Registration FAQ's

Quel est le délai pour traiter une demande d’inscription?

Environ 2 semaines à compter de la date à laquelle la demande complète est soumise. Si votre demande est renvoyée au comité d’inscription, le délai pour obtenir une décision peut aller jusqu’à 6 semaines.

Comment puis-je obtenir l’assurance responsabilité professionnelle requise ?

Vous pouvez obtenir l’assurance requise auprès d’un assureur de votre choix. Dès que votre inscription est approuvée, vous recevez un courriel indiquant votre numéro d’inscription. La plupart des compagnies d’assurance exigent ce numéro avant de traiter votre demande de police. Une fois que vous avez obtenu l’assurance, vous devez en informer l’Ordre pour qu’il puisse délivrer votre certificat d’inscription.

Quelles sont les exigences de la police d’assurance responsabilité professionnelle ?

L’article 32 des College By-laws – en anglais seulement (Règlements de l’Ordre stipule les exigences d’une police d’assurance responsabilité professionnelle :

  1. une couverture minimale de 1 000 000 $ par incidence;
  2. une couverture globale annuelle d’au moins 5 000 000 $;
  3. une franchise maximale de 1 000 $ par incidence;
  4. une couverture d’assurance liquidation (parfois appelée durable) pour une période minimale de trois (3) ; et
  5. l’assurance doit provenir d’un assureur titulaire d’un permis délivré par la Commission des services financiers de l’Ontario, par le Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières du Canada ou par un organisme à l’extérieur de l‘Ontario que le registraire considère comme étant équivalent à la Commission des services financiers de l’Ontario.

Quand puis-je recevoir mon certificat d’inscription ?

Votre certificat d’inscription est délivré dès que vous aurez remis à l’Ordre l’information sur votre police d’assurance.

Puis-je m’inscrire pour une date d’inscription ultérieure ?

Oui. Veuillez indiquer la période d’inscription de votre choix et payer les droits d’inscription connexes. Votre inscription prendra effet à cette date. Vous ne pouvez pas exercer la denturologie ou vous présenter à titre de denturologiste avant que votre inscription ne soit complétée et que vous n’ayez fourni à l’Ordre la preuve de votre assurance responsabilité professionnelle.

Mon inscription est en cours d'examen, Puis-je commencer à exercer ou à me présenter à titre de denturologiste ?

Non. Vous ne pouvez pas exercer ou vous présenter à titre de denturologiste avant que votre inscription ne soit approuvée et que vous n’ayez obtenu l’assurance responsabilité professionnelle requise.

Pourquoi ma demande d’inscription a-t-elle été renvoyée au comité d’inscription ?

Le registraire peut renvoyer une demande au sous-comité d’inscription s’il :

  1. a des doutes, selon des motifs raisonnables, que le candidat puisse satisfaire aux exigences d’inscription;
  2. est d’avis que le certificat d’inscription du candidat doit être imposé des modalités, conditions ou restrictions;
  3. est d’avis que le certificat d’inscription du candidat doit être imposé des modalités, conditions ou restrictions et que celui-ci n’accepte pas cette imposition; ou
  4. propose de refuser la demande.

Si le registraire renvoie la demande au comité d’inscription, il doit informer le candidat des motifs du renvoi et de son droit de soumettre des commentaires par écrit. Le comité d’inscription informera le candidat par écrit de sa décision et de ses motifs concernant la demande.
Vous trouverez de plus amples détails dans la Referral of a Registration Application to the Registration Committee Policy – en anglais seulement (Politique sur le renvoi d’une demande d’inscription au comité d’inscription).

Où puis-je obtenir une vérification du casier judiciaire ?

Vous pouvez faire une demande de vérification du casier judiciaire auprès de votre poste de police. Vous trouverez de plus amples détails dans la Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check Policy  - en anglais seulement (Politique sur le rapport de vérification du casier judiciaire).

Lorsque vous faites une demande de certificat d’inscription, veuillez prendre note que la vérification du casier judiciaire n’est valide que pour une période de 6 mois.

J’ai déjà envoyé à l’Ordre mes attestations d’études, mes photos format passeport et la preuve de ma citoyenneté. Dois-je envoyer de nouveau la documentation déjà contenue en dossier ?

Non. Si vous avez déjà envoyé certains documents à l’Ordre dans le cadre du processus de demande pour l’examen d’aptitude, vous n’avez pas à les envoyer de nouveau. Le personnel d’inscription vous informera si des documents additionnels sont requis.